Starting a business is very exciting and difficult. It is exciting because you get to have your best skills to clients and explore your potential as a business owner, and it is difficult because as you start and grow your business, you will need to add many additional skills to your resume.

For example, if you love coffee, hosting people and meeting new people, you might be tempted to open a coffee shop. But the business of a coffee shop is much more than just coffee. The business of a coffee shop is discipline to wake up early, learning to hire, fire and manage staff, handling finances, marketing, branding, and much more.

You can choose to conquer these issues the hard way or the easy way. The hard way is what most first-time entrepreneurs choose. It is to plow into these challenges and just see how things go. The easy way is what seasoned entrepreneurs and professionals opt for. The easy way is to get coaching, mentoring, join peer masterminds and get an education in all these topics by reading about them and taking online courses.

You might think that business coaching is expensive, and you would be correct. Quality coaching can be expensive. But giving yourself an education by taking courses online is affordable to just about everyone. Many online courses have regular discounts, and you can take many quality courses for just $10. If you don’t believe me, here is a page with Udemy course discounts with over 100 business and marketing courses on Udemy. For just $10, you can take a course on Udemy on most business, marketing and productivity topics that will be crucial for your business.

Books are also inexpensive to learn from, but since most online courses are video-based, you will get through an online course that will teach you a specific skill in a day or two while a book might take from a few days to a few weeks to read.

You might also say that you can learn things on YouTube for free, but precisely because YouTube is free, many content creators there just try to sell you some product of yours. If you take an online course, the instructors are much less likely to try to take advantage of you by misdirecting you towards some of their paid products.

That makes options like online courses on Udemy the cheapest and fastest way to learn new skills for your business so you can avoid many common mistakes and quickly pick up the skills you will need.

If you want to know anything more about setting up a franchise business or want some sound and professional advice, call The Franchise Institute on 1300 855 435 or fill in this contact us form and we’ll reply as soon as we can.

Thanks for reading,
The Franchise Institute Team
1300 855 435